Peckham Queer Art Boot Fair
Bellenden Road and Choumert Market
August 29, 2021
12 – 3 PM
MOCA London and The Queer Life Drawing Conversation (Miles Coote) would like to invite you to join us for the first ever Peckham Queer Art Boot Fair. Over 50 artists from the LGBTQ+ community and their allies will be showing works of art on Bellenden and Choumert Roads in the heart of Peckham.
The event is free for all to come along and look, join in the free life drawing events and purchase wonderful works (such as prints, drawings, sculptures, photos, ceramics and clothing design) from amazing contemporary artists. Wander down Bellenden Road and pop into the many shops who are participating, many hosting an artist, and then attend the main area of the boot fair in the traditional Southwark market street – Choumert Road.
The fair will open to the public at 12 noon for 3 hours so it is not a long day. Many of the local shops participating are also planning wonderful surprises too!
We will have friendly volunteers in MOCA branded rainbow shirts to guide you.
Lockdown and arts funding cuts have made us aware that many Queer archives may be lost, so the event is another way of sharing Queer Art/objects in the public space, where they may be seen, archived and discussed with local communities. The Queer LDC and Drawing People Together (Lucie Russell) will run a pop up drawing event on Choumert Road and we would love people to bring along any Queer objects they would like to share or have drawn on the day.
The event will also feature artists from the Peckham Levels studios.
Local Partners: Frost furniture, ECAD Gallery, Stuart Ross hair studios, Review Book store, Miss Tapas restaurant, Boff’s Bagels, The Odds Cafe
Peckham Queer Art Boot Fair